Sanford Aday and Wallace de Ortega Maxey, sentenced by US District Court to 25 years & 25 grand fine and 15 years & 19 grand fine, respectively, for transporting an obscene book into Michigan, asked for bail while appealing. It was allowed, but at α fantastic $75,000 & $10,000-but other book publishers chipped in and raised part of it!...G. K. van het Reve, Dutch novelist ("Op weg naar het einde"-"On The Way To The End") who at that writers conference in Scotland last year caused such a ruckus by announcing he was homosexual (and upsetting Dame Rebecca West no end), recently announced the same thing on Dutch TV and reputedly said (but is Dutch TV THAT free?): "It seems useless to write about female bosoms while thinking of the arse of a boy" . . . Bob Hope said "I hear the Beatles are coming to California-if they can get past the fruit inspectors" Because

of the population explosion, a large family as a status symbol must go, says Editor Cook of the non-governmental Population Reference Bureau's Bulletin and in San Diego, County Welfare Director Detrich announced that a third of the children getting welfare support are illegitimate . . . In Toronto, Magistrate Graham said "Homosexuals tend to be preyed upon because it is thought that they won't go to the police" but he won't have them preyed on despite their "particular propensities" -and sentenced 3 youths to prison for robbing a homosexual . . . In Hollywood, the first nude bath shot for a '64 movie was made-for "Robinson Crusoe On Mars''-of six-foot-two Paul Mantee, former UC football star, portraying an astronaut bathing in a hot spring.

But movies, nude or otherwise, have been having their troubles in Hollywood once again. "Scorpio rising," a cinematic treatment of the motorcycle set by Kenneth Anger, whose famed "Fireworks" had many a bout with the censors before finally getting court clearances, was seized by the police and a Hollywood theater manager charged with showing an obscene film. So, here we go again, but for the full and fantastic story read April ONE Confidential.


s. m.


The long-hidden "Hammond Report" on strange customs among American Indians as written by a U.S. Army Surgeon, with introduction and commentary by Henry Hay.

More translations from the German of the frank and penetrating studies by Magnus Hirschfeld: the homosexual gymnastic cults of pre-World War I Berlin, homosexuals as teachers, etc. Abstracts, book reviews. Single copies $1.50; $5 a year; back copies still available from Number 4, at $3 per set of four.


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